Clinics and Services

Clinics and Services

We provide a range of services and clinics.

All Services


Dr Gray provides specialist dermatology services for the Hailsham community and accepts referrals from all local GPs.

Ear Syringing

For your information we no longer offer routine ear syringing. We have a limited number of appointments available each month, but […]

Flu Vaccination

We recommend that all patients with an eligible medical condition such as diabetes, asthma, chronic heart, lung or kidney problems […]

Health Checks

Including new patient registration checks, well-woman checks, over-75 checks, new baby 72-hours and 6-week checks.

Joint Injections

These can be provided by arrangement through your GP.

Minor Surgery

Dr Gray provides this service. Operations will usually take place in our modern facility at Quintin Medical Centre or Punnetts Town […]

NHS Health Checks

The NHS Health Check is a health check-up for adults in England aged 40-74. It’s designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, […]

Non-NHS Services

The doctors carry out a range of medical examinations including HGV, PCV, fitness to drive/travel and insurance examinations. Other non-NHS […]

Nursing Clinics

Including dressings, ear-syringing, chronic disease management, blood pressure checks, blood tests, child immunisations and travel vaccinations. (If you have had a […]

Sexual Health & Contraception

Sexual health screening and treatment can be provided by both male and female doctors. Contraceptive implants, injections and device fitting can be […]

Travel Vaccinations

Our Nurses can provide comprehensive travel health advice and arrange for appropriate immunisations. Please arrange an appointment for a travel […]